Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Hi friends! On today’s episode we chat about the fact that business can get lonely. We’ve all experienced it at one point or another, it’s totally normal! Cass and Sam both share their experiences with this. For Cass, it takes her back to the start of her business journey when she had moved coastal, went full time in business, didn’t have kids and was facing loneliness for the first time. For Sam, it is very much a similar scenario to what Cass experienced except she is currently going through this right now! We discuss ways that we combat this including coaching, accountability partners, friends in business that we chat with online or over the phone, listening to podcasts and creating your own team or community.
They say entrepreneurship is the best self development because you really get to know yourself and it’s true! This is a gift! The topic of loneliness in business can look different for everyone, depending on your personality. We discuss ways to structure your business so that it works well and feels good to YOU. If you’re the only one in your family unit or friendship group that is in business, we get it but just remember that always comes down to THEIR own limiting beliefs. We want you to know that we get it, we’re here for you, and always feel free to reach out to us too! :)
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
In today’s interview, we welcome the talented Jemma Moon who is an astrologer, human design reader, psychic and reiki healer. She is magic personified! The episode starts with a card pull from Sam that says “You came from the stars so shine so bright.” Other than the fact that this seemed like the perfect card for an astrologer, Jem shares how the detail of this card resonates deeply with her and links it to the incarnation cross in her human design which is also links to her carion wound in astrology. Fascinating! And if that all sounds like another language to you, don’t worry Jemma has a way of explaining it all so practically and easy to understand. Throughout the interview she shares how she followed her passion for astrology and human design to create the business she runs today, what business looks like to her, her vision for the future and advice for other creative entrepreneurs.
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
We have a SUPER special episode in store for you today. In a first for our podcast (and the first time that we have heard it done before) we are bringing you a LIVE astrology reading! We welcome the gorgeous Jemma Moon who talks through Cass’ birth chart and gives her an astrology reading live on air. This is the first time Cass has had an astrology reading so it is all new for her to learn too! In this ep we find out whether Cass is a Leo or Cancer rising, Jemma explains what a Saturn Return really is, we learn about the synastry between Cass and Sam’s birth charts and what that means for the ACL podcast! This is such an interesting episode, we know you are going to love it! Enjoy x
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Hi friends! It has been a couple of weeks since we recorded because Sam was travelling and we are SOO pumped to chat again today! Today is a special episode that we wanted to create for you to listen to on the days that you feel like giving up. We just want to acknowledge that we all feel like this at times and share that this is normal and okay.
The start of this episode is nuts as SIX cards fell out for Sam! Seriously, an entire spread! We will save the contents of it for when you are listening but let us tell you that we are all sooo supported and this is clear in this spread that fell out for our listeners.
In this chat we discuss how we are all at different stages. It is okay to compare yourself to other businesses as long as that doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself. Let your business evolve in its own time and way. This could look different to other people and businesses that you admire and follow. We discuss finding the balance between the love of what we are doing with the goals we want to achieve.
Cass and Sam both share moments they have felt business has been hard and what they do to keep going and moving forward. Cass shares how the early days were harder and it really did get easier for her. We talk a lot about knowing in yourself whether this path/your business feels right to you to keep going with it and Sam offers muscle testing to help you understand what your body is saying to you to help you make decisions and trust yourself.
Some key takeaways are that it’s all working for you, it’s not working against you. If you’re trusting and letting it unfold, it means that your vibration is relaxed and happy and so things will work out for you. We need to take responsibility for our vibration to attract more of what we want in our lives.
Be honest with yourself. Connect back to what you are loving the most.
We’ll leave you with this mantra: “Everything is working out best case scenario.”
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Hello and thanks for joining us for another episode! Today we talk about honouring creative surges vs consistency in business. Two animal spirit cards fall out at the beginning of this chat to support this concept. We have the beautiful Starfish spirit (which looks like it could be from one of Cass’ watercolour artworks!) reminding us to be open to endless possibility and infinite potential as well as the Flamingo spirit highlighting that planning has its place but letting the creativity unfold will help the next step present itself.
We discuss how one of the drivers of consistency in business can be fear - for example the fear of feeling like we need to show up on every social media platform every day to achieve success. This is such a limiting belief and energetically feels so yucky to us! We LOVE the idea of opening up to infinite possibility, doing what feels good and allowing space in your business to honour your creative surges.
Cass and Sam both share where they are feeling this theme in their businesses as they both move into new stages. It shows that no matter how long you have been in business or how successful you are this is something that will always be relevant at times.
Ultimately we feel that consistency and planning has its place and is an important part of business, but not the only way. We recognise the importance of consistently showing up for yourself, for your intuition, for your business (however it looks to you at that time) but planning to an extent where there is still space for some magic and creativity to shine through.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
On today's episode we welcome Rachael Turner from Front Porch Properties!
After a warm welcome, Sam pulls a card to support Rach's journey which is the Dreamy Moons card "follow the path of least resistance." This message highlights a clear thread throughout the interview as Rach shares how she had such a strong pull to follow her passion of building modern storybook homes and it has continued to flow for her.
Rach dives in to share her journey of creating her very successful building business and how she transitioned from her previous career running a classical music school as a pianist.
She remembers being a little girl always fascinated by floor plans and house elevations and redesigning her family home. This is so clearly what she was always meant to do!
After having the realisation in her late twenties that this was her true calling, Rach embarked on the journey of getting her building license and didn't tell anyone except her husband at the time about her dream of being a builder. She started with renovations of her own which went viral online and her business picked up momentum very quickly from there.
Now Rach builds incredible homes for amazing clients with an incredible team. She shares the importance of a good team and how two beautiful women emailed her out of the blue and reached out to work for her. Both of which worked out perfectly!
Nine years into business, Rach shares that she is now in a place where she doesn't want to have to hustle so hard and wants the business to work for her. There is a beautiful reminder here that we aren't the business, it is its own entity that you can and should have distance from. An example of what this looks like for Rach is that she doesn't like being called in the morning. She has now crafted her business to support her enjoying a peaceful morning routine before her work day officially begins at 9am. She shares about the importance of good trades and the current crisis in the building industry.
We discuss Rach's natural style which is the essence of her - classical, her timeless homes match her love of classical music. Rach shares how she gave up on playing piano for a long time and how it has recently come back into her life in a beautiful healing way.
We discuss what it is like being a woman in the construction industry. Contrary to what we expect, she hasn't come across any issues and she believes that "women do it better" and are actually so perfectly suited to building!
A big takeaway from this interview is how Rach trusted her gut from the very beginning in business. More advice that she shares includes outsourcing before you think you are ready or can necessarily afford it, to know yourself and your strengths well and mold the business to suit you and to find your niche.
We absolutely LOVED chatting with Rach and we know you will love hearing her story too. Enjoy!
You can find Front Porch Properties here:
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Hello! We are back after a week off and we are raring to go! Cass is having an amazing morning being early on a school drop off day and Sam is feeling pumped after an early morning PT sesh and breaky with a friend so it is good vibes all round!
On today's episode we talk about perfectionism. The chat starts with a beautiful animal spirit card drawn by Sam which is the White Raven encouraging us to trust in life's magic. We love how this so beautifully highlights that if you are too PERFECT all the time you are missing out on the opportunity for the universe to works its MAGIC into your life.
This topic is inspired by a Brene Brown quote "When perfectionism is driving, shame is always riding shotgun and fear is the annoying backseat driver." We delve deep into what this means for us as people and how we show up in our business.
We break down the different types of drivers for perfectionism such as caring what people think as opposed to internally striving for excellence. Cass and Sam share whether they think they are perfectionists or not and how it might or might not show up in their businesses.
Perfectionism is SO common. There is every chance that you have experienced it as some point in your life and business journey. If you are feeling it at the moment, maybe try asking yourself "what am I afraid of?" - this could help you gain the clarity you need or confidence to jump right in!
We say just post that artwork, offer that new service, launch that website! At the end of the day these things can always be tweaked or removed later if it doesn't work out. People really don't notice as much as we think and ultimately remember why you are offering what you do. There are people out there that want to receive your soul's work! Think about all the people that would be missing out if you don't put your work out there. Go for it lovely!
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
In today's episode we talk all about overwhelm. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry Cass and Sam are going through it too during this week of recording!
The chat begins with a Dreamy Moons card highlighting that your inner realm is a mirror for your outer world. We dive into a chat about the power of changing your perspective and how internally changing how you think and feel about the things that are overwhelming will change the way they show up in your life.
Sam reminds us that we are 'human beings' not 'human doings' and highlights the importance of taking time to stop, take a breath and then revisit everything going on in your world. Both Cass and Sam share what areas they are feeling overwhelmed in their business and lives as well as their go-to tools for overcoming this.
Some of these tips include simplifying your life and business, getting organised, implementing systems and processes, clearing the clutter in your physical environment and in your mind and journaling.
Big takeaways from this episode are to look for the FUN in your business and follow that feeling and whatever direction that takes you in, as well as being kind yourself. Chances are if you are reading this and feeling overwhelmed, you are probably balancing a lot and achieving more than you give yourself credit for!
Tune in and join us on the journey. We hope you leave feeling a little more calm and clear.
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Today we chat all about finding inspiration as a creative! We start the ep with a quick life chat. Cass shares about the exciting pattern review she has just experienced with her students at the end of the Surface Pattern Design course as well as getting back into the swing of life after school holidays. Sam shares about her indulgent weekend away at The Calile Hotel and the excitement of seeing her art come to life on samples for SOLI Sleep.
Before we dive into the episode, Sam pulls a gorgeous Dreamy Moons card in relation to today’s topic and it is AMAZING. The card is all about how magic we are and how we are literally made of stardust. Sooo gorgeous!
Let’s break down the areas that we discuss that each of us find inspiration in - going within (after all we literally came from stars so we can’t get any more magic), other art forms, people and environment. We cover so many examples such as cooking, music, movies, nature, shops, interiors, cafes - there really is SO much in your life every day to be inspired by. Perhaps if you are feeling stagnant it is time to drive a different way home, walk somewhere new, listen to a new podcast or if you can even plan a little getaway. We loved recording this ep and hope you enjoy it and are left feeling super inspired!
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Today we have a brilliant interview in store with the incredibly talented Angela Mondloch from Saffron Avenue. Angela is a brand stylist, graphic designer and showit website developer for creative businesses. She is currently celebrating ten successful years in her business!
In this chat, Angela shares her career journey and what has led her to this point today. This starts with JLo and The Wedding Planner, a spontaneous move to North Carolina, working for a law firm and cupcake shop whilst running an etsy shop and ultimately successfully going full time in her business, Saffron Avenue.
Angela shares some of the creative nudges from the universe that she has received along the way including teaching herself calligraphy and buying an iPad Pro, both for her own enjoyment and both leading to successful business offerings. She highlights the importance of being creative for yourself, that not everything you create needs to be a product you sell, the importance of a working space that you're happy in and how her style and business offerings have evolved over the past decade.
This episode has soo much good stuff in it! Angela shares a lot of inspiring advice for both emerging and established creative entrepreneurs. We know you're going to love it. Enjoy!
Check out Angela's new branding and website launch celebrating 10 years in business here.
You can find Angela / Saffron Avenue here: